Journey information

Please insert the date and time you planned to travel and click 'Find Trains'.

Let us know a bit about yourself

Please enter your post code and select your address.

Ticket information

More than one person travelling? For your ease, if you wish to claim for more than one person who was travelling with you on this journey, you can claim for their tickets altogether on this form. Simply upload the image of each ticket for this journey that you want to claim for.

If possible, please provide the E-Ticket/M-Ticket Ticket Number/Ref (a mixture of letters and numbers). Please check the How do I find this? instructions above to find this.

Please upload an image of your ticket, for example a photo of your paper ticket, or a screenshot of your mobile ticket. For mobile tickets, please ensure the ticket price is visible on the image you upload or upload your booking confirmation email as well as the ticket image so that we can process your claim.

  • Your original ticket.
  • The ticket receipt (if you no longer have your ticket).
  • For mobile tickets, if the image of your mobile ticket does not include its price, please upload another image of your booking confirmation on which the price of the ticket can be clearly seen
  • A scan or photograph of your season ticket and photo card for ALL paper season ticket claims.
  • Your Smartcard number.
  • A print-out showing where you touched in and out and the cost of your journey.

How would you like to be paid?

BACS payments will show as a credit to your nominated Bank Account and should appear within 10 working days for an approved claim.

PayPal payments should appear in your PayPal account within 10 working days for an approved claim.

Complimentary tickets are only available for claims to/from London Kings Cross. If you're claiming for multiple tickets and want complimentary journeys as compensation, please make separate claims for each ticket.